Rabat, 2008
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Great photo. Do they stay in one position for a while
14 Aug 2008 5:09am
ha! a wonderful and touching shot! it is excellent that this girl starts so young! she will be famous if she keeps the passion! :)
14 Aug 2008 6:24am
A wonderfully exotic image with excellent detail and color.
14 Aug 2008 6:36am
Very interesting composition (vision in a vision) and nice details. And I like the lance and the lamp…
14 Aug 2008 6:38am
Excellent shot. I love the contrast between the pale wall and the colourful uniform and flag! Great composition
14 Aug 2008 7:55am
Já não basta o soldado que tem de estar imóvel, mas o cavalo também? Coitado. Boa foto.
14 Aug 2008 8:00am
Beautiful horse and cavaleiro. Red and green is a nice combination.
14 Aug 2008 8:26am
Mas quanto tempo é que os desgraçados assim ficam? Bom enquadramento. A fotógrafa que fotografa a fotógrafa a fotografar, hehe.
14 Aug 2008 8:41am
E o cavalo até levantou a pata para a fotografia.
14 Aug 2008 9:12am
What a boring job that must be. Nice touch of the photographer photographing a photographer.
14 Aug 2008 9:56am
What a horse holding up that foot. Nice photo.
14 Aug 2008 3:03pm
I just love how you choose to get the image outside an image. The little girl added a wonderful composition to the picture. This image is excellent!
14 Aug 2008 3:08pm
crisp clear and the framing with the young photographer... just perfect
14 Aug 2008 3:50pm
Great shot! I like very much the contrast between the cold colors of the little girl and the warmth of the rest. Really nice moment!
14 Aug 2008 6:13pm
lovely picture, nice attitude of the horse and raider. Nice idea of the picture of someone taking picture as the one of the 09/08
14 Aug 2008 6:28pm
Cool shot Ana, contrast in this strong light is perfect. Maybe somebody was behind you also taking photos..?
14 Aug 2008 7:29pm
@Observing: :) maybe!
It's certainly difficult for the serious man to stay without moving but i'm amazed by the horse who is holding up his foot...
14 Aug 2008 9:24pm
@Evelyne Dubos: :) Yes! But the Moroccans hate being photographed.
Thanks Evelyne!
cool capture! he looks almost like a statue, i sort of imagine them standing in that pose all day but i don't think a horse will stand still in that position very long in reality.
14 Aug 2008 10:50pm
Wow great shot. The horse is amazing! How long can it stay like that?
15 Aug 2008 4:00am
Great capture of an interesting moment. Nice subject.
15 Aug 2008 4:43am
O pobre do cavalo tem que ficar ali imóvel?!?!
Ao sol? E ainda por cima com um "burro" em cima dele?!
16 Aug 2008 2:48pm
@Remus: Estava sol, mas estava muito frio Remus. Estavamos em Março e lá também não está quente. Eu eu que levei quase só tops e t-shirt!!! :)
Me impresiona la docilidad del caballo... parece una estatua.con su pata levantada... y el caballero... muy muy serio... demasiado !!! Una foto muy original, con la turista tomando la foto !!
16 Aug 2008 9:42pm
Mas o cavalo está ali quietinho naquele lugar?!!!! Desgraçado :(( Linda foto!
17 Aug 2008 7:14am
@mjoao: Pois realmente. Eu só me apercebi da pata quando vi a fotografia. Nem imagino quanto tempo ele fica assim. Mas os animais são outra coisa. São adoráveis.
bolas pensei que ele tivesse levantado a pata para o fotografares, pelos vistos não.
21 Aug 2008 11:54am
@pedro alexandre: :) Ora Pedro... nem os humanos me entendem fará os cavalos. Mas devia ser maravilhoso falar com os aimais.
Canon EOS 350D
1/100 second
ISO 100
55 mm